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the herban herbalista

Updated: Apr 9, 2018

A Hearty Welcome to the blog and home of Sylett Strickland, the Herban Herbalista! I am an herbalist and soapmaker living in Allen TX and I'd love to share with you ways to delight your senses with herbs and soap and other body care delights. I am a self-taught soap maker and I specialize in Hot process soapmaking. I adore watching all the changes oil and lye go through to create beautiful soaps that help keep us clean and healthy. Handmade soap is an affordable luxury that is easy to make at home with the right equipment and respect for ingredients. I've been making soap for 17 years and have taught at the Lone Star Soapers Conventions in 2012 & 2013.

I'm also a trained herbalist. I have apprenticed with internationally famous herbalist Susun Weed on 2 occasions, was the staff herbalist at Community Pharmacy in Madison WI, a fantastic worker-owned Pharmacy featuring conventional and alternative medications and graduated with honors from the Restaurant School at Walnut Hill in Philadelphia PA. My passion is creating things that are beautiful to the touch and taste as well as supportive of the health and well-being of all around me.

So come join me on this ride around the sun on our little blue rock. Let's make the trip Beautiful, Fabulous and FUN!


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